Thursday, 31 July 2014

How an Aquaponics System Works

Aquaponics system involves the activity of growing fish and plants
together. Fish and plants are raised in a 100% natural and interdependence environment. Interdependence is achieved because plants and fish grow together in a tank. The method may sound complicated, but it is simple, and is one of the best ways to produce plants and fish free from toxins.
The method works in a very simple way, since plants are grown without soil. The first step is to raise the fish in a container. After a short period, seeds are planted in the same container. Using the natural cycle, the fish and plants will grow without any help. The two works using the same concept used when growing plants in soil.

Plants are fed by fish. The wastes released by the fish provide fertilizer for the plants. Plants provide oxygen for the fish to survive. Bacteria are important in this process as it removes harmful products released by the fish. The cycle continues as the two living organisms depend on one another. Our eBook, Aquaponics Made Easy explains all these very succinctly.

Aquaponic gardening can be applied in any home. It is the best way to produce healthy food using the natural cycle. Some basics are required in order to start the process at home. You need to determine the kind of project you want to set up. Small-scale farming has several choices for the system to use. You can choose from basic drip, ebb and flow and hydroponic raft scheme.

After deciding on the method to use, one needs to know the size of tank to use. Space is an important factor when choosing the size of the tank. It has to suit your needs and able to fit the space available. Water pumps and filtration systems have to be chosen, depending with the time you have set aside for the project.

Water pumps and filtration systems maintain a perfect environment for both fish and plants. Before starting the project, you will need to determine the type of plants and fish to grow. You need to plan on water temperature that suits the tank size. Other factors include calculating water heaters in watts; number of lights needed and water quality parameters for various types of fish.

This method has numerous benefits to the aquaculture farmer and the environment. People save money from buying vegetables, since they can grow them in the comfort of their homes. Planting is made easy and fast without hassles of trying to find the right soil to plant. Harvests are easy to pick, and presence of weed is eliminated. The main advantage is that land is not needed for farming.

Some people do it as a hobby and benefit from it too. An Aquaponics system is not limited to some specific places, it can be applied anywhere. You can grow any type of plant and different species of fish in a common tank. Using the method is cheap, which makes very suitable for both fish and food production for small-scale farmers. Visit Hydroponic Xpess store to know more details related to aquaponic system. You can also visit our website to check everything related to aquaponics and hydroponics.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Some Important Facts about Aquaponics Kits

With the introduction and increasing fame of aquaponics, there have been an explosion
of materials that flooded the market to satisfy the consumers' curiosity and hunger for this new method of gardening. And what's not to love? It can grow your plants much faster in shorter time, in smaller spaces, and all in a close self-sustaining ecosystem. With more people looking into the possibility of having their own aquaponic garden in their home, there have been numerous aquaponics kits being introduced lately. In this article, I'm going to point out some obvious and not-so-obvious things that you need to consider before purchasing an aquaponics kit.
Aquaponics WA
  1. How much free time do you have? Do you have enough time to build one yourself or are you very pressed for time and have just enough time to barely put together a pre-made kit? Almost always, I recommend building one yourself, as it really isn't difficult and the parts are much cheaper than the cost of many aquaponics kits on the market today. If you are really (and I mean really) pressed for time, make sure to do the research and read all the reviews you can on your chosen kit model. It has to hold large quantities of water, so you don't want to take chances with something like this. 
  1. Where are you going to keep it? Depending on the location and its given space and lighting, you may find that a run of the mill kit isn't your best choice. Always make sure to read up on where that particular kit is best suited for. 
  1. Servicing. Although ideally you shouldn't have to service your aquaponics kit too often, it is inevitable that it should have minor leaks and other small problems. Make sure that the company you buy it from also carries repair tools and has knowledge-base or F.A.Q. on their webisite (at the very least) to answer your questions. If you decide to build one yourself, you'll most likely develop enough understanding through the process of building it yourself. 
  1. Your plans for the aquaponics kit. Are you doing it as a hobby? Will you be happy with one? Or are you planning to have more than one? Think of the cost, not just this one, but the combined total for all the kits if you think you may expand in the near future. When aquaponics gardening goes well, it has a way of getting bigger and bigger because they are so easy to maintain and produce abundance of vegetables (if that's what you're growing).
Whatever your need, you will need to think of the above questions before deciding to buy a kit. A kit may be just what you need. If you want to get more information regarding aquaponics kit than you can visit Hydroponic Xpress official website and directly contact our professional team.